A Few Memories From Badminton 2022

June 13, 2022 2 min read

A Few Memories From Badminton 2022

Written By Lucy Gales

Equine Products UK Ltd were delighted to attend Badminton Horse trials for 2022 after a very uncertain 2 years for everyone.

What a fantastic time was had by all! We thoroughly enjoy meeting all our customers and are passionate about spreading brand awareness. The secret to our products is simple; we use the best ingredients available on the market and in the highest quantity, because we want our products to work and help our customers. At Equine Products we believe that you deserve the best, and so does your horse.

Our worldwide known tonics such as Selenavite E, Haemavite B Plus, Premier E and Restore-lyte help keep your horse looking and feeling fantastic with results that speak for themselves.

We were so pleased to have three of our sponsored riders compete at Badminton, including Rosie Fry, Ben Hobday and Alice Casburn. 

All horses looked on top form and we are delighted for Alice being the youngest rider to complete Badminton 2022 on her mother’s own homebred Topspin, we are sure Alice has a bright future ahead of her and EPUK are so pleased to be a part of her journey.

Equine Products were situated within the World of the Horsemarquee with some big-name brands! A lot of our very popular products were on offer including Cool it powder, Cool it paste, Equine OAP and Selenavite E. We love to give everyone the opportunity to try our products to let the results speak for themselves and we all love a discount!

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our customers, continuous and new for continuing to shop with us.

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